Revolution Report: E-Bike Battery Comparison

- Tags: 24V battery, 24V electric bike battery, 36V battery, 36V electric bike battery, 48V battery, 48V electric bike battery, bicycling, e-bike, E-Bike battery, electric bike, electric bikes, electric commuter bike, electric cruiser bike, electric mountain bike, fat tire electric bike, folding electric bike
Revolution Report: Which Motor is Best For Me?

- Tags: 1000W motor, 350W motor, 500W motor, 750W motor, bicycling, e-bike, E-Bike motor, electric bike, electric bikes, electric commuter bike, electric cruiser bike, electric motor, electric mountain bike, fat tire electric bike, folding electric bike
Revolution Report: The Different Styles of Electric Bikes

- Tags: bicycling, e-bike, electric bike, electric bikes, electric commuter bike, electric cruiser bike, electric mountain bike, fat tire electric bike, folding electric bike, health benefits
Why Cyclists Are Upgrading to Electric Bikes
Electric bikes are the newest forms of transportation next to electric cars. These vehicles combine the advantages of using cars, bicycles, and motorcycles. Millions of them are used every day by cyclists around the world. See why so many people are upgrading to electric bikes. The Features of Electric Bikes Electric bicycles are equipped with electric motors that increase the riding power. The pedelecs are built with small motors in addition to mechanical pedals. The other versions have stronger motors that are built like mopeds which travel up to 30 mph. E-bikes are not classified as motorcycles because the pedaling...
- Tags: bicycling, e-bike, e-bike features, electric bikes, electric commuter bike, electric cruiser bike, electric mountain bike, fat tire electric bike, folding electric bike, health benefits
Are E-Bikes Safer Than Regular Bikes?

In the United States, an increasing proportion of the population uses e-bikes to travel to various destinations. The total number of bikers is growing because many people now understand that e-bikes are safer than regular bikes. But that doesn’t mean you can relax. Stay safe on the road by implementing strategic driving and safety procedures and making adjustments according to the conditions in an environment. Focus on brake safety, equipment maintenance, and general hardware for best results. E-Bike Safety Strategies By managing your speed, the process of reaching various destinations safely on an e-bike won't be a hassle. All electric...
- Tags: bicycling, collision, e-bike, electric bikes, electric commuter bike, electric cruiser bike, electric mountain bike, fat tire electric bike, folding electric bike, safety