Battery Comparison

Comparing Your Battery Choices

Many buyers need help deciding what type of Battery to purchase, below we have created an easy to use guide to help you determine which battery is best for you!

STANDARD 36v/10AH - Most people are completely satisfied and it provides more than enough power and range, and it’s the most affordable option.Estimated Range: 15-30 miles.

LONG RANGE 36v/15AH - Best for trips over 20 miles or if you plan to pedal very little (or not at all). It can really come in handy to have excess capacity. Estimated Range: 22-45 miles.

POWERFUL 48v/10AH - Best for riders over 200 pounds and for overcoming steep hills or strong headwinds. This power makes it more fun and exciting to ride. Estimated Range: 20-40 miles.

PREMIUM 48v/15AH - This is the most popular option, it has all the power of the 48V 10Ah battery and the extended range of the 36V 15Ah. Estimated Range: 30-60 miles.

**All estimates are nonbinding; battery capacity and distance are subject to change with different battery manufacturers.

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